Title: Dangerous Criminal Love
Couple: Francis Dolarhyde / Hector Dixon
Genre: Male Slash, Gore, Horror, Murder, Sadism
Rating: R18 +
Warning: Contains graphic violence, sadism and issues that can be a bit sensitive for some people.
Summary: Two criminals murderers potentially dangerous are brought together by fate. Their dark twisted impulses will be what will attract each other that they couldn’t nor wouldn’t want to avoid it.
Note: Okay this is a fic inspired by this crossover of the Richartin couple formed by Francis Dolarhyde and Hector Dixon. A couple of murderers dangerous villains.
The story purports to be sexiest and very intense ;)
I hope you enjoy even a little. By the way the story is interwoven plot between the original Red Dragon by Thomas Harris, the Hannibal series adapted by Bryan Fuller and the film Wild Target.
Chapter 1 - Alpha / Omega: Dangerous Fate
Dixon was in London resting on one of his luxurious penthouses that served as a hideout, located in a prestigious area of London. A few weeks ago that had just acquired that new site trying to confuse his enemies. The afternoon was beginning to fall and he decided to spend some time relaxing watching TV in the most ordinary way, at that point he just wanted to have a little of mundane things, ordinary peace as anyone. The evening began to fall and soon thought his life was falling into monotony. He suddenly felt empty, almost as empty as the cup he held in his hands which had now entirely finished drinking its content. He rose from his place to go to pour another cup with gin and saw through the large window the faintly pink sky by dawn. It began to show some stars that overshadowed the artificial light of the city buildings. He sipped his drink while he continued seeing as the nightlife were accentuated by the brightness of the cars crossing the traffic and then he returned to his living room to sit in his new and comfortable large sofa. The house was greatly flamboyant and decorated with modern minimalist touches, glimmers of long lamps lit the room. Suddenly to see one of the pictures on the wall he thought an idea that certainly seemed ridiculous, maybe he was too lonely and perhaps he needed to have someone at his side with whom to share his life and the complicity of his criminal identity, perhaps what he needed was to feel more passion. Although he did not want to become obsessed with the idea because it kept seem corny, he could get sex from anyone whenever he wanted and wherever he wanted anyway. It had always been so. He could call right then to a house dating or just go to a nightclub and flirt to who called his attention to take to his bed. He could pay for sex tonight or nights that he wanted. Dixon was an addicted of sex, his sexual appetite rarely decreased. His libido was always in peak. The money did not matter, he had too much to waste it if he wished, thanks to his criminal services contract he had enriched with a vast fortune.
It certainly was that Dixon had sustained an affair for months with the spy Peter Guillam, but a few weeks ago that they had decided to sever the relationship. It had been weeks since the last time Dixon had seen Peter after an argument in which both brought out the concerns that had led them to make that decision to separate. And it was much longer than Dixon had not had sex with anyone, despite his relentless hypersexuality, the latter had been Guillam. He had restricted to himself the desire to be with another man just due Guillam, because he loved him and because he had decided to try to change. But Guillam had not come all this time and it seemed he did not want to do it. Dixon had started to be so greatly exasperated, and did not take it anymore, it was as if everything Guillam had managed to make him feel it was slowly going to hell and thus also his determination to maintain his loyalty. His great libido could not longer limited by waiting for someone, not even waiting for Guillam. Since that discussion they had not had any further contact.
The story purports to be sexiest and very intense ;)
I hope you enjoy even a little. By the way the story is interwoven plot between the original Red Dragon by Thomas Harris, the Hannibal series adapted by Bryan Fuller and the film Wild Target.
Chapter 1 - Alpha / Omega: Dangerous Fate
Dixon was in London resting on one of his luxurious penthouses that served as a hideout, located in a prestigious area of London. A few weeks ago that had just acquired that new site trying to confuse his enemies. The afternoon was beginning to fall and he decided to spend some time relaxing watching TV in the most ordinary way, at that point he just wanted to have a little of mundane things, ordinary peace as anyone. The evening began to fall and soon thought his life was falling into monotony. He suddenly felt empty, almost as empty as the cup he held in his hands which had now entirely finished drinking its content. He rose from his place to go to pour another cup with gin and saw through the large window the faintly pink sky by dawn. It began to show some stars that overshadowed the artificial light of the city buildings. He sipped his drink while he continued seeing as the nightlife were accentuated by the brightness of the cars crossing the traffic and then he returned to his living room to sit in his new and comfortable large sofa. The house was greatly flamboyant and decorated with modern minimalist touches, glimmers of long lamps lit the room. Suddenly to see one of the pictures on the wall he thought an idea that certainly seemed ridiculous, maybe he was too lonely and perhaps he needed to have someone at his side with whom to share his life and the complicity of his criminal identity, perhaps what he needed was to feel more passion. Although he did not want to become obsessed with the idea because it kept seem corny, he could get sex from anyone whenever he wanted and wherever he wanted anyway. It had always been so. He could call right then to a house dating or just go to a nightclub and flirt to who called his attention to take to his bed. He could pay for sex tonight or nights that he wanted. Dixon was an addicted of sex, his sexual appetite rarely decreased. His libido was always in peak. The money did not matter, he had too much to waste it if he wished, thanks to his criminal services contract he had enriched with a vast fortune.
It certainly was that Dixon had sustained an affair for months with the spy Peter Guillam, but a few weeks ago that they had decided to sever the relationship. It had been weeks since the last time Dixon had seen Peter after an argument in which both brought out the concerns that had led them to make that decision to separate. And it was much longer than Dixon had not had sex with anyone, despite his relentless hypersexuality, the latter had been Guillam. He had restricted to himself the desire to be with another man just due Guillam, because he loved him and because he had decided to try to change. But Guillam had not come all this time and it seemed he did not want to do it. Dixon had started to be so greatly exasperated, and did not take it anymore, it was as if everything Guillam had managed to make him feel it was slowly going to hell and thus also his determination to maintain his loyalty. His great libido could not longer limited by waiting for someone, not even waiting for Guillam. Since that discussion they had not had any further contact.
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