Title: Lovely seduction
Pairing: Harry Kennedy x Paul Maddens, Richartin, modern Thilbo
Fandom: Nativity (2009), The Vicar of Dibley, The Hobbit RPF
Genre: Romance
Raiting: R-15
Warning: This is a fictional story, it's not real and contains homosexual concept :)
Summary: Paul Maddens is a young blond teacher of elementary school who comes from Coventry, England, and who recently has moved to London to acquire a new job there. Arriving at his new flat he meets the sweet and handsome new neighbor Harry Kennedy who inevitably falls in love. This Christmas could be the best time for love. Richartin AU.
Note: This is a fic that I did for Christmas. This is new fic Richartin with the pairing made up their sweetest characters, Harry Kennedy (Richard, The Vicar of Dibley) and Paul Maddens (Martin, Nativity) both are so cute and share the Christmas theme, they are perfect together as always uwu <3
en español también :3 AO3 FanFiction.Net
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