Title: Inexorable medieval love
Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC)
Warning: Relationship Male/Male
Characters: Sir Guy of Gisborne, Robin Hood, Medieval!Martin
Richartin Pairing in a parallel world
Pairing: Sir Guy of Gisborne/ Medieval!Martin
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rated: R-18
Summary: After defeating the fierce battle against the Sheriff of Nottingham and Isabella, Robin and Gisborne survive the dangerous poison and fatal injuries. But after their recovery time they cannot continue their alliance and decide each one have to take different paths. Neither of both imagined that the fate had prepared for them compete again for one love. However Gisborne believes his life is now a complete desolation. Thilbo/Richartin AU!Pairing.
Notes: If you have not seen the entire series of Robin Hood (BBC), beware of spoilers.
Okay, this is a little fic about one Richartin pairing formed by Gisborne and Martin, included here as an original character in medieval England :3 1194 AD approximately
It is a fic that I wanted to finish writing and then publishing a while ago, but for various reasons it delayed me I’m posting so far, however I will intend to update soon as I possibly can.
I took the idea to write this fic as the development of an alternative continuation derived after a different end in which neither Gisborne, nor Robin, or Allan A. Dale died at the end of the series. I hope you enjoy it and you enjoy this story of passionate medieval love at less a little ;)
Yup, I do this because I love too much Thilbo and Richartin and their love in any parallel world * _ *) / haha I think that maybe everyone already realized of it xD
you can read this story on my AO3 account or my tumblr ;)
en español también ;3
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