Title: Infernal Temptations
Fandom: The Hobbit RPF
Pairing: Richard Armitage/Martin Freeman. Modern Thilbo. Modern Bagginshield AU
Characters: Richard Armitage, Martin Freeman, Modern Thorin Oakenshield, Modern Bilbo Baggins
Genre: Male Slash, Terror, Creepy, Supernatural
Raiting: 18+
Summary: Martin Baggins is a good guy devoted to good moral principles instilled in his Christian faith. He just wants to enter the seminary to dedicate his life to God and the church. He never imagined that one night he would begin to be raped by a terrible evil entity from hell.
Note: okay, I wanted to post this fic for Halloween but I was unable to do it because daily life didn’t allow me but so I post it now wishing you enjoy at least a little. In fact this was about to be a one-shot but at last I decided to split it into some chapters. It is a fic a little creepy, and scary with some controversial issues therefore I recommend only to those who are open-minded :)
Chapter 1-Incubus
London, 1870
Night had fallen and the young blond Martin Baggins, who was twenty years old at the moment, had decided to go to bed. It was a little later than his usual sleeping time, it had been a long day and fatigue heavily afflicted his feet.
The blond dressed in his pajamas, which consisted of loose cotton clothing. It was raining outside and the sky announcing that soon the storm would worsen. By that time Martin switched off the oil lamp that was on his desk and outside drops of rain began to hit the window with progressive force. When the light went out the room was engulfed in darkness, there was no noise more than that noise caused by inclement that fell outside. Martin was used to turn off all lights of the flat before to sleep every night but strangely in that eve, being in the darkness caused him suddenly a strange feeling of emptiness. He stopped to think about his unjustified fear for a second and suddenly a shudder ran through his body.
en español también :3
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